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Plastiment P200PK is a high-performance, liquid plasticizing and water-reducing admixture designed for use in concrete and mortar. It is specifically formulated to improve workability and enhance the strength of concrete by reducing water content while maintaining the desired consistency. Plastiment P200PK is ideal for use in a variety of construction applications, including precast, ready-mix, and site-mixed concrete. It enhances the durability, finish, and overall performance of the concrete, providing superior results for structural applications, paving, and decorative concrete.

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Usage: Plastiment P200PK is used in the following applications:

  • Concrete Mixing: Ideal for improving the workability of concrete, enabling easier placement, compaction, and finishing.
  • Precast Concrete: Enhances the quality of precast elements by improving the consistency and strength of the mixture.
  • Ready-Mix Concrete: Increases the performance of ready-mix concrete, particularly in hot weather or high-strength concrete mixes.
  • Mortar and Plaster: Can be used in the production of mortar, offering improved flow and reduced water content for stronger and more durable finishes.
  • Industrial Flooring: Used for creating high-strength, durable flooring in industrial environments.
  • Structural Concrete: Ideal for structural applications where reduced water content and increased strength are required.


  1. Mixing: Add Plastiment P200PK to the mix during the batching process or as directed by the concrete supplier. Typically, it is used in concentrations of 0.2 to 0.6% by weight of cement, depending on the desired effect.
  2. Workability Adjustment: It helps in reducing the water-to-cement ratio, enhancing the flow of the mix while maintaining desired strength and durability.
  3. Surface Finish: Use Plastiment P200PK to improve the surface finish of poured concrete, making it smoother and easier to handle.
  4. Compatibility: Plastiment P200PK is compatible with other admixtures like retarders, accelerators, and superplasticizers, but it’s important to check for compatibility before use.
  5. Curing: Proper curing practices should be followed to ensure that the concrete achieves its full strength and durability. Allow for curing for the standard 24 to 48 hours as required.

Coverage Advantage:

Plastiment P200PK is highly efficient, requiring only a small dosage to achieve significant improvements in workability and strength. 1 liter of Plastiment P200PK can typically treat 50 to 100 kg of cement in a concrete mix. By reducing water content, it enhances the concrete’s performance and strength while ensuring ease of placement and compaction, ultimately reducing the need for excess water and lowering the risk of cracking.



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