Sikafloor®-21 PurCem® (AE) is a multi-component, water-based, colored polyurethane hybrid screed with self-smoothing characteristics. It offers a smooth, matte, durable, and impervious surface, typically applied at a thickness of 3 to 6 mm. This product is suitable for use in hot and tropical climates.
Applications: Sikafloor®-21 PurCem® (AE) should only be applied by experienced professionals. It serves as a scratch coat primer, basecoat, and wear layer within the Sikafloor® PurCem® system, specifically in areas subject to medium to heavy loading, high chemical exposure, and abrasion.
Key Features and Benefits:
- Excellent chemical resistance.
- High mechanical strength.
- High glass transition temperature.
- Odorless and non-tainting.
- Can be applied to substrates with high moisture content, including 7-day-old or mature damp concrete.
- LEED rating: Complies with AgBB for use in indoor environments (Test report No. G10004B).
- Certified as “Low Emitting Materials” under Al Sa’fat – Dubai Green Building Evaluation System by Dubai Central Laboratory (DCL), Certificate No. CL17020432.
- Complies with EN1186, EN 13130, and prCEN/TS 14234 standards, as well as the Decree on Consumer Goods regarding contact with food, based on test reports by ISEGA (32758 U11 and 32759 U11, dated December 6, 2011).
- Certified by the Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (S/REP/125424/1a and 2a, February 8, 2012).
- Fire classification report according to EN 13501-1 by Exova Warrington Fire (No. 317047, March 24, 2012).
- Liquid water transmission rate test by Technology Centre (Report 15456, January 25, 2012).
- Abrasion resistance tests by Face Consultants Ltd. (BS 8204-2:2003, Report FC/12/3850, January 17, 2012).
- Thermal expansion and freeze-thaw cycle tests by RWTH/IBAC (Report M1614, May 29, 2012).
Product Information:
- Composition: Water-based polyurethane cement hybrid.
- Packaging: Part A (5.00 kg), Part B (5.00 kg), Part C (21.80 kg), Part D (1.6 kg) – total 33.4 kg per ready-to-mix unit.
- Appearance/Color: Part A – White liquid; Part B – Brown liquid; Part C – Natural white powder; Part D – Colorpack (Stone grey, beige, grass green, oxide red, with other colors available upon request).
- Shelf Life: Part A, B, and D: 12 months (protect from freezing); Part C: 6 months (protect from humidity).
- Storage: Store in original, unopened packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C. Protect from sunlight, heat, and moisture.
- Density: ~1.93 kg/l at 20 °C.
Technical Data:
- Shore D Hardness: ~80–85 (ASTM D 2240).
- Compressive Strength: ≥ 40 N/mm² (28 days at +23 °C, 50% relative humidity) (BS EN 13892-2).
- Tensile Strength in Flexure: ~10 N/mm² (28 days at +23 °C, 50% relative humidity) (BS EN 13892-2).
- Tensile Adhesion Strength: Concrete failure (EN 1542).
System Combinations: For detailed system information, refer to the data sheets for:
- Sikafloor® PurCem® HS-21: Heavy to medium-duty, self-levelling, smooth hybrid screed.
- Sikafloor® PurCem® HB-21: Heavy to medium-duty, broadcasted, light anti-slip hybrid screed.
Application Guidelines:
- Mixing Ratio: Mix full units only.
- Ambient Temperature: +10 °C minimum / +30 °C maximum.
- Consumption: ~1.93 kg/m² per mm of thickness.
- Layer Thickness: Scratch coat: 1 – 2 mm; Base and wear coat: 3 – 6 mm.
- Relative Humidity: 85% maximum.
- Dew Point: Ensure substrate and uncured floor are at least 3 °C above the dew point to prevent condensation.
- Substrate Temperature: +10 °C minimum / +30 °C maximum.
- Moisture Content: Can be applied on substrates with higher moisture, but without standing water. Ensure visible dryness and adequate pull-off strength (min. 1.5 N/mm²).
- Pot Life:
- +10 °C: 35 – 40 minutes.
- +20 °C: 22 – 25 minutes.
- +30 °C: 15 – 18 minutes.
- +35 °C: 12 – 15 minutes.
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