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Sikament® HRM is an efficient liquid superplasticizer that offers excellent slump retention for extended periods, making it ideal for use in hot and tropical climates.

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Sikament® HRM is an efficient liquid superplasticizer that offers excellent slump retention for extended periods, making it ideal for use in hot and tropical climates.


Sikament® HRM is used to enhance the flow of concrete in the following areas:

  • Slabs
  • Foundations
  • Walls
  • Columns
  • Piers
  • Slender elements with dense reinforcement
  • Piles

It is also utilized as a water-reducing agent to produce high-strength concrete for applications such as:

  • Pre-cast concrete elements
  • Pre-stressed concrete
  • Bridges and cantilever structures

Key Characteristics and Benefits:

As a Superplasticizer:

  • Enhances workability
  • Simplifies concrete placement
  • Particularly effective for slender components with high reinforcement density
  • Reduces vibration requirements
  • Improves mix cohesion, minimizing the risk of segregation and extending placement time

As a Water Reducer:

  • Significant water reduction capabilities
  • Improves final concrete strength


Sikament® HRM complies with ASTM C494, Type F, and EN 934-2 standards.

Product Information:

  • Composition: Sulphonated naphthalene
  • Packaging: Available in 1000 L flowbins, with bulk supply upon request
  • Shelf Life: 12 months if stored properly
  • Storage: Keep in original, undamaged packaging in dry conditions, between +5°C and +45°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
  • Appearance: Dark brown liquid
  • Specific Gravity: ~1.2
  • Chloride Ion Content: Nil (EN 934-2)

Technical Information:

Follow standard concrete practices when using Sikament® HRM. Proper curing is essential, especially in high temperatures, to avoid shrinkage. Consider using Sika® Antisol® products or wet hessian for curing.

Application Information:

  • Recommended Dosage: 0.7 – 2.4% by weight of binder. Adjust depending on the mix design, materials, and climate.
  • Dispensing: Add Sikament® HRM to the gauging water or mix it simultaneously with the water in the concrete mixer. Avoid adding it directly to the dry mix. Ensure at least 60 seconds of mixing for optimal performance.
  • Compatibility: Sikament® HRM can be combined with various types of Portland cement and other materials such as GGBS, PFA, micro-silica, and Sika products like SikaPump®, Sika® FerroGard®-901, and others. Trial mixes are recommended to determine the best combination. Contact Sika Technical Services for guidance.




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